Free Printable Help Wanted Poster
Posted: May 02, 2014
Are you looking for creative ways to get your SKY Martial Artist helping around the house now that back to school is in full swing? In an effort to create leaders in our community, each month SKY Martial Arts chooses a value to focus on and practice with our students- August has been chosen to be the month of Helpfulness, We encourage all our SKY Martial Arts parents to find opportunities to allow students to be helpful, to notice when they go above and beyond what is asked of them, and to provide them with praise both at home AND in our SKY Martial Arts Do Jang.
We've created the SKY Martial Arts Help Wanted poster to give your student a variety of custom options to choose from while earning fun rewards- Things like "cooking brownies with Mom or Dad", "movie night for the family", or "letting Master Han know how hard you worked to be helpful!" can all make for great positive encouragement while steering away from a work-for-pay model.